Thursday, December 6, 2007

Why are we not creative...

I was a kind of frustrated (though a bit worried at times) on my life being monotonous and I feel that nothing was there which I could look forward to each day. In fact I have observed this kind of frustration in many people who are not satisfied with what they are doing in their life. This is primarily because they are creative persons by their vary nature but are put into a kind of life style or job that is contrary to their way of thinking. What they crib about is job not being intellectually stimulating or it being something which does not have a room for creativity. But slowly we need to adopt/adapt to this way of life. We kill the seed of creativity which is their within all of us, with our own hands. I would mention a famous quote by Abraham Maslow who also proposed popular theory of “Hierarchy of basic needs”.

The key question is not "What fosters creativity?" But it is why in God’s name isn’t everyone creative? Where was the human potential lost? How was it crippled? I think therefore a good question might be not why do people create? But why do people not create or innovate? We have got to abandon that sense of amazement in the face of creativity, as if it were a miracle if anybody created anything.

This quote aptly depicts what is happening with today’s generation. Everybody is running behind material needs and money. In this pursuit, everyone is loosing their natural flare for creativity. In my perspective everybody is creative, in a context, to some extent. What makes him not to be creative or innovative, is the personal blocks he has created around himself. Sometimes he blames himself for it and some times others or even situations.
Human mind should be free to create or innovate. Today’s hustle-bustle of metro life makes one forget about the creativity and the intellectual needs of the mind. One simply discards the thought of being creative, even if it comes in mind. One would think when the task could be copied from others why then worry about not being creative.

I think We’ve grown the mentality that it’s better to listen to someone else than it is to think for ourselves Or simply find an easy way out by “Googling it”. Why take pains by putting your mind at work when you can CCP (cut, copy, paste) others’ ideas.

Where Does the problem lie?
Does it lie with our education system? Or does it has to do with what we think of ourselves?...

1 comment:

Suhas said...

Reading this 11 years after it was written and being in the same situation, irony!!